Friday, February 5, 2010

Observing Ads 3

How are these small b/w ads capturing the reader's attention? How are they standing out on the page, among all the other newspaper articles and ads? Each of these is using a different technique. We haven't discussed in class, and it hasn't been mentioned in the reading yet. So give it your best guess. (One main technique for each ad.)


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Gearys using the product to catch your eye.

    Bacara is using a catchy slogan to catch your interest .

    Cartier is using the product & Product slogan or information to catch your interest.

    Art Beltran

  3. I agree with Art. Product and slogans are used to catch the readers attention. Another thing I noticed was the use of white space. Especially in the Bacara ad, the white space draws me in to read the bold text.

  4. I would have too agree with the white space and the big watch in the first two ads. As far as the second ad what catches my eye are the colors of choice. The ad is using black & white in reverse.

  5. The third ad looks like they may be using the image as they say *enlarged to show texture. They really want you to see it up close. The second ad uses large type with a straight forward message that seems like an appeal to intellect. The first ad is similar to the third; the product occupies most of the space.

  6. gearys uses visual impact to attract customers.
    Bacara uses the headline as the focal point using the slogan to create interest.
    finally, cartier used black background to emphasis the picture and the type.(reverse type)

  7. there is more white space wich actually drags the eye right to the add and same with the use of alot of black space

  8. i think there is no siginficance of the rolex logo all the way up there by its self and there is so much white space in the secound design

  9. these three ads look like really good designs the product captures the potential costumer to see where to get this well defined product the rolex is well proportioned to attract also.

  10. Large image…yes!
    White space…yes!
    Reverse-out (white type on black background)…yes!

    These are all techniques that these advertisers used to make their ads stand out from the rest of the clutter on the newspaper page.
