Thursday, April 15, 2010

Observing a Tourism Video

The logo looks fun. Colors look fun. But art direction, lighting, video editing, and the music soundtrack are also important in communicating the right message to the audience you're trying to reach. View this video Does it seem fun? Would you sign up for this tour? You will definitely laugh.

QUESTION: I think one designer worked on this layout, and did a pretty good job with what they were given. Then someone added type later (after the design was completed). Can you guess which area a junior designer might've added?

Monday, April 12, 2010

Would this catch your eye?

(Roan spotted this in the supermarket.) What would you think of this… BEFORE taking Graphic Design I? What do you think of it now, as a graphic design student? Would it catch your eye? Would it stand out from the other sodas? Would you buy it? As a collector's item, or to drink?

Wednesday, April 7, 2010