Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Do you see a typo?

Click on image to view larger.


  1. There's a typo on the word "Seasonal."

  2. Seasonal Stems is what it should read! Seasonal is missing the "s."

    ~Art Beltran~

  3. it's not seaonal is seasonal. that's the typo.

    Claudia Enriquez

  4. Seasonal is miss spelled... Also that is a strange way to use a check mark for a V... I had to take a second look. I guess that was the purpose in doing so...

  5. The word seasonal is misspelled also that is a strange way to use a check mark I had to look twice. I guess that was the reason in doing so...


  6. i think it says "seaonal" not seasonal the S is missing, honestly the script like typeface makes it really hard to read to begin with.

  7. Well since everyone already said it let me just follow suit. "Seasonal is misspelled" :)

  8. The typo is "seaonal" and I would consider "ertical response" at the bottom of the second page on the right a typo as well. the check mark looks a bit distant from the other letters, to me. Maybe getting rid of the outlined box.

  9. The seasonal doesnt have a second S. also that check mark as a V is
    just ugly and not well done. maybe they should have started with a V
    and modified it slightly. but as is its too difficult to read. at
    first glance i thought it was a mistake.

