Thursday, May 20, 2010


Make sure you view this award-winning site with your sound turned ON. Go through every single page. It's hard to describe the feeling… but you'll feel it!

Saturday, May 15, 2010


I've been noticing more and more ads (especially banners) like this at local Mexican restaurants. The pictures in the background are dominating the body copy. The designer thought if they used an outer glow and drop shadows, that the text would be more noticeable. And boring center alignment.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Images & Text to Evoke Emotion

A student mentioned PSAs, or public service announcements. PSAs are usually broadcast on radio or TV, raising awareness about issues regarding various social issues: health, recycling, smoking, the environment, etc. The same PSA ideas of educating, informing and persuading can be powerful tools in creating printed pieces as well. Click here to view a short video produced by a high school. Does it evoke, or bring up, any emotions in you? Does it feel like a call to action?


Inspiration for you Photoshop lovers. See what you can do, or at least see what this talented artisan does! Click here to see more.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Thanks for Sharing!

Thanks for sharing these with me, to forward to the rest of the class. Enjoy and be inspired!

This design and more typographic inspiration can be found at Look closely at the ampersand above. It consists of characters only. Great technique to use for a typographic self-portrait!

Now see below for self-portraits from previous semesters. Click on images to view larger.

And now for more reading material…

Visit to read these great articles. I especially agree with "Why logo design is not $5.00" and "10 words you need to stop misspelling" (includes it's and its!).

Submit tee shirt designs for $? Hmm, something to check out.

Adobe Creative Suite at student prices. Hopefully they offer CS5 soon…

QuarkXPress was once THE program for desktop publishing. Retails for $799. Students can get it for $199??

Free clip art at This one is from Web Design Hot! Before using any "free" artwork, be sure to read the licensing information. All art has usage restrictions.

Do you see the individual 1, 9, 9, 9 in the design on the left?

Designers Simon Page, Moshik Nadav, Andre Roquette—see more work like this at Behance Network (do an Advanced Search for Typography). Website also has graphic design, illustration, packaging, photography and advertising samples…with an occasional piece that probably wouldn't get past US censors.

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Click Drop Cap Oops to see what NOT to do…

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Eye candy from Smashing Magazine's site: This shows a range of what you can do in Illustrator, from the more basic to how-in-the-world-did-they-do-that techniques. Click here for more: Smashing Magazine

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And now you can buy wallets that feature illustrations of up-and-coming artists. Click here for more: Poketo